Philip's Crystal Blog
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Philip's Crystal Blog

Philip Permutt's musings on crystals, crystal healing, life, the universe and everything all contained in one simple blog. Although Philip writes extensively in his books on crystal healing, his Take a Break's Fate & Fortune Crystal Clinic with Philip Permutt monthly column and other magazine articles he still occasionally finds time to write things here!

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Computer crystals

All screens give off positive ions, which make us feel drained and low. So if you spend a lot of time in front of your computer try placing a fluorite crystal between you and the screen. This will absorb the excess of positive ions, releasing negative ions that make us feel bright, awake and focussed. It's the same feeling you get walking by a crashing sea or the freshness in the air after a rain storm.

Amethyst can also be revitalising and tourmaline protective to any negative vibes.

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So what does an Executive Producer do?

One of my many roles, which keep me quiet from time to time, is as Executive Producer for Paradise Music. This sounds like a really grand title and must be someone very important. But what do I actually do? Well this year I've been working on Cassandra Eason's Chronicles of Magick. A series of 7 CDs (or downloads) making a complete course in magick. The first 2 albums were released earlier this year (Moon Magick & Love Magick) and we've just released the next three; Prosperity Magick, Healing Magick and Candle Magick. But other than "working on" them what do I actually do?

It's been a fascinating experience working with my friends Cassandra Eason and Llewellyn on this series... Ok what does this Exec Prod do?

Well, firstly I "invent" a project. And they really do just come out of my head. These are usually sparked by a conversation with someone which includes the words "wouldn't it be a good idea..." Then it goes rapidly downhill as this simple thought turns into a year long project! Because I have to convince the record company that it's a good idea, arrange recording studio time that works for the record company, producer, artist and me, check hotels in the area for the artist, and then collect the artist from the hotel, drink coffee with them and reassure them that it will all be fine and the dogs at the studio don't bite! They're really cute, 2 rough Collies. I sit in on the recording sessions, listening to every word for both mistakes, mispronunciations, things that don't make sense and the odd noises that people make when they do dreadful things like... breathe! Yup some breaths can sound really loud when recorded and amplified. Then we sit around drinking more coffee and eating cheese on toast while we sort out the music that's going in the background.

Then the Producer, in this case Llewellyn, he's the Real Producer as opposed to the Executive Producer - and anyway I'm sure you all know what the Real Producer does...

After an indeterminate period of time I receive CDs in the post with cryptic messages like "where are the track breaks?" or "version 1.04" or just a disc with no information at all! Each one I listen to at least twice making notes of any changes and at the same time putting together the booklet which goes with the CD. I've already been sent loads of information by Cassandra for this, usually too much and occasionally not enough. So I need to edit and sometimes write some of the content and put it all in a suitable format for the number of pages the Record Company want to pay for.

After another indeterminate period of time I receive another CD in the post which is "ready for mastering?" That means one more listen for perfection. This is the last chance to change anything.

And that's about all an Executive Producer does.

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New stock

Just arrived from Afghanistan... great tourmaline crystals, inexpensive aquamarine and beryl crystals, blue fluorite, rutile crystals, kunzite, epidot, actinolite, afgahanite, chlorite phantom crystals, amethyst and peridot jewellery and peridot crystals and the very best zoisite crystals I've ever seen!! Sorry we've just sold all the actinolite crystals :-) All the rest in iSiS now!
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Energy shift 09/09/09

So we're here today and the world hasn't ended. Unless of course it has and this is all a dream... which it might be. Chuang Tzu once wrote after he dreamed he was a butterfly... how could he be sure that he was Chuang Tzu dreaming he was a butterfly and not a butterfly dreaming he was Chuang Tzu when he awoke?

Anyway assuming we're all here what's happened? I've noticed subtle changes both within me and people around me. More confidence and optimism mostly. Perhaps an inner strength. I've been working with metamorphosis quartz to promote these changes and will carry on with it. I wonder if anyone else has noticed anything?

Several groups have suggested lighting a candle today to send healing energy out to someone or somewhere it's needed. I'll be doing that tonight at 9pm. Feel free to join in or light a candle and just think of someone else any time today.

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Is there anything bad about my crystals?

A customer's just come in with three crystals and asked this question. The details are not relevant, but no there is nothing BAD about any crystal. What is important is that these crystals felt sticky or grungy and needed cleansing. You can always tell when a crystal needs cleansing, it looses it's sparkle, fades, feels sticky or just doesn't feel right. This is because they are picking up energy that you don't need. Not necessarily negative or bad (there's no such thing as good or bad anyway!) The easiest way to cleanse most crystals is with running water. Avoid doing this with water soluble crystals :-) Sage smudge sticks, frankincense, sunlight, moonlight and sounds such as those from Tibetan cymbals or bowls are alternatives. See for more info.

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Reiki Workshop CD

I received the preview disc of the Reiki Workshop last night and I'm happy to say it sounds great! :-) The CD answers all the questions that people ask after they've completed their Reiki 1 course, also great for Reiki 2 people with some new ideas and Reiki Masters might get a different view to add to their experience too. Released through Paradise Music, it should be out later this month in all good new age stores, online, bookshops and all your usual places.
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"Shift happens!" Energy shift 09/09/09

There seems to be a lot of strange ramblings on the internet about a possible energy shift on 9th September so I thought I'd add my own crystalline thoughts to these! As the saying goes "shift happens!"

There are always energy shifts going on. Some people are more sensitive than others to these shifts and all sorts of feelings can be experienced. I always think that it is the small changes that can shift us in a big way. Look out for these subtle shifts in the flow of universal energy and try and sit in the flow of the energy - don't try and fight it just go with it and the changes will speed into your life. All change is good, even if it feels uncomfortable at the time. Without change nothing happens and as I've already said "shift happens" and you can't stop it, but you can make it easier with crystals. (I said I'd add my crystalline thoughts!)

Crystals for change: metamorphosis quartz let's you see changes you need to make and helps you to act on this information. Eudialyte and iolite ease the process of change and help to soothe your emotions that bubble up along the way. Eudialyte in particular feels as if it's gently bathing your heart centre in healing energy. Amethyst, Apache tears, black banded agate, dioptase, moonstone and ruby can all help ease change in different ways too and crocoite (known as the divorce stone) helps to ease the really big shifts that take place in your life.

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Chrysanthemum stone

I have a new stock of Chrysanthemum stone and wondered if anyone's worked with it and what they've found? I've found that this crystal is great for moving forward when you feel stuck. More information and products at

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Lucky red tiger's eye update

Since placing the red tiger's eye under my basil plant, three weeks ago, the takings in the shop have doubled! Try it yourself, just place a red tiger's eye crystal under a basil plant and let the luck and abundance flow...
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Reiki workshop and Meditation Nights

Yesterday in the recording studio with Llewellyn at Paradise Music went brilliantly - 2 new albums; Reiki Workshop and Meditation Nights, Angels of the Rainbow Waterfall. They're both out later this year. Well actually we started recorded the Meditation nights album 5 years ago but we couldn't agree its format until now!! Is this a record?
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