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So what does an Executive Producer do?

One of my many roles, which keep me quiet from time to time, is as Executive Producer for Paradise Music. This sounds like a really grand title and must be someone very important. But what do I actually do? Well this year I've been working on Cassandra Eason's Chronicles of Magick. A series of 7 CDs (or downloads) making a complete course in magick. The first 2 albums were released earlier this year (Moon Magick & Love Magick) and we've just released the next three; Prosperity Magick, Healing Magick and Candle Magick. But other than "working on" them what do I actually do?

It's been a fascinating experience working with my friends Cassandra Eason and Llewellyn on this series... Ok what does this Exec Prod do?

Well, firstly I "invent" a project. And they really do just come out of my head. These are usually sparked by a conversation with someone which includes the words "wouldn't it be a good idea..." Then it goes rapidly downhill as this simple thought turns into a year long project! Because I have to convince the record company that it's a good idea, arrange recording studio time that works for the record company, producer, artist and me, check hotels in the area for the artist, and then collect the artist from the hotel, drink coffee with them and reassure them that it will all be fine and the dogs at the studio don't bite! They're really cute, 2 rough Collies. I sit in on the recording sessions, listening to every word for both mistakes, mispronunciations, things that don't make sense and the odd noises that people make when they do dreadful things like... breathe! Yup some breaths can sound really loud when recorded and amplified. Then we sit around drinking more coffee and eating cheese on toast while we sort out the music that's going in the background.

Then the Producer, in this case Llewellyn, he's the Real Producer as opposed to the Executive Producer - and anyway I'm sure you all know what the Real Producer does...

After an indeterminate period of time I receive CDs in the post with cryptic messages like "where are the track breaks?" or "version 1.04" or just a disc with no information at all! Each one I listen to at least twice making notes of any changes and at the same time putting together the booklet which goes with the CD. I've already been sent loads of information by Cassandra for this, usually too much and occasionally not enough. So I need to edit and sometimes write some of the content and put it all in a suitable format for the number of pages the Record Company want to pay for.

After another indeterminate period of time I receive another CD in the post which is "ready for mastering?" That means one more listen for perfection. This is the last chance to change anything.

And that's about all an Executive Producer does.

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