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Crystals for exams

I'm regularly asked "Which crystals will help me, my son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter or great-granddaughter pass, cope-with, not-get-stressed-by, keep-calm, not-worry, or focus-on exams?"

I'm regularly asked "Which crystals will help me, my son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter or great-granddaughter pass, cope-with, not-get-stressed-by, keep-calm, not-worry, or focus-on exams?" It is one of the most frequently asked questions; and for most people the answer is pretty simple. Give them amazonite, aventurine, snow quartz and fluorite. Amazonite will help to calm the nerves, aventurine will reduce physical tension, tight muscles and stress. Snow quartz will help to clear the mind of all the junk that usually occupies students so they can clearly focus on their studies, revision and exams and fluorite helps to focus the mind. 

They work... I've had tons of feedback on this for the past 20 years and all of it is positive. Try it for yourself, your son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter or great-granddaughter...

Amazonite rough
Amazonite tumble stone
Aventurine crystal heart
Snow quartz hasn't found itself on the website yet but we have extr-large tumble stones at £2.60 (phone or email)
Fluorite tumble stones (rainbow fluorite)
Fluorite octaheral crystals

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