Angel Messages by Vanessa Lampert

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Angel Messages (Book & Card Set)

by Vanessa Lampert

ISBN 978-1903116111

A Heaven-Sent Book and Pack of 52 Uniquely Inspirational Cards

Angel Messages is a Heaven-sent Book. Receiving a daily affirmation from our personal guardian angels is one way to harness our true potential, improve our life and move forward. Angels are the loving helpers of the spirit world and guide, love, encourage and protect us both physically and spiritually.

Each of these 52 beautifully illustrated Angel Messages cards contains a positive thought for the day and helps you to open up communication with your angelic guides, while the 64-page book explains each affirmation in more depth.

A book and pack of 52 messages channelled by healer Vanessa Lampert that can be used for daily affirmations and predicting the future. The messages on the cards fall into four suits. Wisdom (purple); Love (pink); Career and Crearivity (yellow/orange); and healing (green/blue) so you can interpret them in these four key areas of your life. The accompanying book explains how working with angels harnesses your true potential, helping you improve your life and move forward. It shows how to lay out the cards to use them for prediction, meditation, dowsing, dreaming and for general affirmations. Also included are detailed explanations of each Angel Message to complement the inspiring colour illustrations that appear on every message card.

About the Author Vanessa Lampert is a clairvoyant and healer who inherited her gifts from her father. She is also a successful businesswoman who ran the Enigma chain of gift stores in London specialising in New Age products.

MESSAGE: THERE IS AN ANGEL AT YOUR SHOULDER TO GUIDE YOU THROUGH LIFE'S MAZE INTERPRETATION: Your guardian angel is always with you to protect and guide you through the ebb and flow of life. As you learn to connect so you will begin to feel subtle energy flow through you and experience the sublime unconditional love of the universe.


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