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isis shop closing

Unfortunately I haven't been able to secure a deal for the sale of the shop in St Albans and unless someone comes forward with the required offer in the next 48 hours we will close our shop on 15th August. So at the moment almost everything is half price (yes that's 50% off!) and all the cabinets, furniture, chairs, therapy couches, meditation cushions etc are for sale.

This is a sad time after 17 years in St Albans iSiS has become part of the fabric of the city. The hundreds of comments from customers, students and clients attest to this and are very welcome. Somehow it seems that there may be some great purpose to it all (or perhaps not?). 

Due to my ongoing medical condition I can no longer commit any time or effort to iSiS. I am unable to work or lift anything and find the steps in the building a test. Hopefully, once I'm fully recovered, I'll be back teaching next year but I'm not sure when or where. First I need another operation and if that goes well (?) I'll consider the next step. 

In the meantime the web site is still active and it would be great to keep in contact with many of you via the web site of on facebook. Also my latest book/card set The Crystal Tarot is published in the next few weeks and we're taking advance orders now. Thanks for your support and perhaps a visit to iSiS will be worthwhile this week.

Comments: 2

Maseda Gamila |
RE: isis shop closing
Philip wishing you to go through that other operation and then to be teaching, that will mean that you are going the right way. All the best. Sincerely G.MASEDA
The Crystal Healer |
RE: isis shop closing
Thanks for your kind thoughts, I'm sure I'll be teaching again sooner or later :-)
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