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Reiki Workshop

It's always great when a project comes to fulfilment and this month I'm having my fill of it! My latest CD is released today :-) Reiki Workshop, designed for anyone attuned to Reiki who would like to know a little more.

Here's the blurb
For both beginners and experienced Reiki healers, this innovative workshop by Philip Permutt not only encourages recently attuned healers to develop and practice their Reiki through exercises and guided meditation, but essentially offers advanced healers a useful set of meditations to prepare for treatments and attunements.

"Work on your heart and do things from the quiet space inside of you"

Reiki Workshop by Philip Permutt Home workshops for yourself or with friends. Introductory guide to Reiki with exercises and meditations.


Reiki Workshop CD by Philip Permutt

Comments: 1
More about: Reiki, Reiki Workshop, recording

Comments: 1

alice disilva |
RE: Reiki Workshop
The greatest Reiki healing health benefits is stress reduction and relaxation. Reiki healing is a natural therapy that gently balances life energies and brings health and well being to the recipient. I would definitely buy this CD. Where can I get this CD? <a href="">business administration degree online</a>
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