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Lucky red tiger's eye... latest thoughts

I've noticed my red tiger's eye under my basil plant seems to like natural rain water. Every time it rains, 2 or 3 days later, something happens. The shop gets very busy, I have a new CD recording deal, an idea that's been floating around for ages comes to the fore or fruition. Last time it rained my publisher offered me a new book deal! I'm just waiting for the contract on that one and all will soon be revealed but it's scheduled for release next autumn, 2010.

The same thing does not happen when it's watered with tap water. so there's something in the natural energy of the rain that helps magic happen. Or perhaps there's something in the tap water that stops magic from happening?

Thinking of moving to Wales... or Scotland... or Manchester... why does it always rain in Manchester? I must have been there 30 times in my life and it has rained every single time. Anyway that's another thought...

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