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Crystal friends

Just a quick thought about crystals. How do you teat them? As tools? As things to use? As friends? When you work more and more with crystals you'll find, like I do, that some become friends. And just like friends some will stay with you throughout your life whilst others will come and go as passing acquaintances. Take another look at your crystals and ask which ones want to be friends today? Perhaps you'll notice one jump out? Carry this crystal with you today or if it's a big crystal try paying it special attention and see what happens.
Comments: 2
More about: crystal friends, crystals

Comments: 2

Desmond STEWART |
RE: Crystal friends
hithe crystal i have been drawn towards is Citrine..have found it really helpfull in dealling with my depression have a nice big crystal which i keep in a bowl next to my has also helped me finacially as i have bi-polar depresion(manic deppresion) and this stone has balanced me out alot

The Crystal Healer |
RE: Crystal friends
Thanks Des for joining in and being so honest. I'm sure your comments will help others. Citrine is a great crystal, one of my favourites too.
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