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Best selling CDs Update

Our Top 10 selling Festive Season CDs at iSiS and

1. Reiki Workshop by Philip Permutt
2. Meditation Nights by Philip Permutt
3. Natural Woman by Juliana
4. Reiki Gold by Llewellyn
5. Tibetan Healing Sounds - Ultimate Natural Sounds
6. Nature Angels by Andreas
7. Crystal Workshop by Philip Permutt
8. Calling My Angels by Niall
9. The Little Meditation Album by Philip Permutt
10. Spiritual Journeys of the World - India by The Rain Garden
10= Moon Chants by Marie Bruce

This is the first year that a spoken word album has been in the top 10 at Christmas (they're sometimes in the best seller list for the year) and this year there's 4!

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