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Shirley Moore
09/07/2012 20:46

Hello Phillip. Looking for guidance and wisdom about an experience

I would like to ask a question about an experience I had. I have been studying crystal healing for eight years. Was performing healings on only family and close personal friends. Had an amazing experience I would like to share. I was performing a healing on a young woman. She was having some problems with her mother, and communicated she was having some negative feelings. My adult daughter was present, along with the young woman's mother. About five minutes after beginning the healing session, I started sweating profusely, my toes and fingers turned purple, and I started feeling strange. The young woman appeared to be sleeping peacefully, so I continued on with the session. Suddenly, a gray looking mist slowly began to emit from the young woman's body, floating slightly above her. I thought I was hallucinating at first, until my daughter stood up suddenly, pointing in our direction, and screaming "what is that?" I quickly lit some sage, and the mist floated to the top of the ceiling, bounced once, and then evaporated. I went on with the healing to completion, and afterward, the young woman awoke and stated she felt better. I had a strange feeling that whatever came out of her body was negative, and that more of the same remained inside the young woman. Also, I was strangly "blissed out". Felt like I had power running through my whole body. It was an absolutely amazing feeling.

I to this day do not know what the gray mist was, why it came out of the young woman, why other people saw it, or why I felt so amazing and wonderful afterward.
The Crystal Healer
31/07/2012 11:23

RE: Hello Phillip. Looking for guidance and wisdom about an experience

Hi Shirley, sorry for the delay, this has slipped through. Shamanic traditions believe that every disease has it's own spirit in much the same way we do or anything else that's living. This spirit of the disease is removed in a shamanic healing and then the client gets better. Although I can't be certain as I wasn't there to witness the energies at the time, this is what I think has happened. Did she get much better after the treatment?