Philip's Crystal Blog

Philip Permutt's musings on crystals, crystal healing, life, the universe and everything all contained in one simple blog. Although Philip writes extensively in his books on crystal healing, his Take a Break's Fate & Fortune Crystal Clinic with Philip Permutt monthly column and other magazine articles he still occasionally finds time to write things here!

Remembering crystal friends

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Having just submitted the first half of the new manuscript that I've been writing with Lyn, I've noticed that there are many crystals that weave through my life almost, but not quite, unnoticed. It's as though they pop in for a quick cuppa and gossip like a neighbour rather than sit down to discuss life, the universe and everything over a beer or six. But I've found in writing this book that I am becoming reacquainted with many of my crystals in depth. All their nooks and crannies, rough s...

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Full Moon

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The night of Wednesday 19th January...
I didn't sleep at all. And the weird thing is that several other people have mentioned that they had a bit of a time with the full moon too. Then two other facts were rammed into my consciousness. Firstly it was the first full moon of 2011 and secondly that it wasn't just my energy aware friends who were noticing their reactions but some neighbours and friends who do not usually comment on these esoteric matters at all. One person emailed that th...

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New Crystals - Lemurian Onyx - Aquatine Lemurian Calcite

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Recently I was sent two tumbled crystals by a friend and customer of mine, Helen. She's selling them in her shop and, as she hadn't heard of them, wondered if I had and what they may help with. I'd never come across them either, but they are really interesting crystals. I feel they are more calcite than onyx, but they seem to have a sort of opalescence feel too.
They are very calming in line with aquamarine and connecting with the throat, though I feel they are pulling down towards t...

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Crystal Writing

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Many people ask about crystals that I personally work with. I'm always wary of this question because we are all drawn to the crystals we each need at any point in time. However, when I'm writing my trusty citrine is never far away. Other crystals will come and go. Just now I'm also having help from a Tibetan quartz crystal with some black hematite inclusions and a quartz crystal with silver tourmaline inside. Each of these bring something to the way I write.

The citrine has been w...

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The kids of today

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My parents used this phrase over and over "The kids of today!" Well I'm NOT going to use it. The kids of today (oops!) have so many pressures that we just didn't have. Everything is so important and dangerous and vital-to-the-image. They have to talk right (yoof-speak) and look right and act right. There are several things that can help them on their way... Crystals for kids...
Children and young people naturally respond very well to crystal healing. They are intuitive, and their sen...

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Radio Waves

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I'm on the radio Wednesday 6pm (UK time) in Seattle, USA with award-winning host, Dr. Pat Baccili on the Wednesday October 13th show at 6 pm (UK time) on KKNW AM1150 in Seattle. If you want to listen you can connect via website at or via KKNW at KKNW AM 1150 Seattle #1 Alternative Talk . I'll be talking about crystals, tarot, meditation, life, the universe...

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Walking with Merlyn Llewellyn's latest album

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Llewellyn's latest album Walking with Merlyn has just been released and we've already sold out!! I've just listened to my copy and it's superb. Both magical and mystical; full of atmosphere - a perfect way to start the weekend. It makes excellent listening and would be suitable for the more adventurous therapist as background music to your treatments.

If you haven't ordered yours yet don't worry because more are on the way and should be here early next week. There's a special disco...

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Green Calcite

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Green calcite
Green crystals help you unwind relieving the pressures and strains of life
Birthstone Cancer
Planet Moon
Element water
Chakra heart
Carry or wear green calcite to help prevent infections
Place green calcite around you to calm your emotions
Keep green calcite with you and hold it when you feel panicky
If other people laugh at your expense let the energies of green calcite help you cope and not take offence
Hold green calcite t...

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A New Way

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We had a fantastic last two weeks at the shop before we closed and have now moved 100% online. The website is proving as popular as ever with many of our local customers now finding us online too. We still have one of the largest retail stocks of crystals in the UK so if you don't see what you're looking for on the website just send us an email, we've probably got it in stock.

We are adding more and more to the site almost daily and we have started to list the hundreds...

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In 1993 I opened iSiS the first crystal shop and alternative healing centre in the UK in St Albans. Then it was described as the Crystal Reiki Healing Centre which is still above the door. In 1995 I moved iSiS to Market Place in St Albans and since the beginning have always strived to help people on their own unique individual path, wherever it may have taken them. Those of you who know me know I have a passion for crystals which is brought out in my books and CDs and I've al...

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