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In 1993 I opened iSiS the first crystal shop and alternative healing centre in the UK in St Albans. Then it was described as the Crystal Reiki Healing Centre which is still above the door. In 1995 I moved iSiS to Market Place in St Albans and since the beginning have always strived to help people on their own unique individual path, wherever it may have taken them. Those of you who know me know I have a passion for crystals which is brought out in my books and CDs and I've also worked with many other alternative ideas and therapies too.

Here are some iSiS numbers to conjure with...

17 years
Over 100 tons of crystals - that's 100,000kgs!! Every one of which I've personally lifted several times!!
Including all the individual tumble stones that could be as many as 10,000,000 (ten million) crystals
Over 20,000 one to one clients have had treatments with our therapists
3,400 people have attended ongoing courses or classes, more than 10,000 attended workshops - many of which have led to professional qualifications and as a result there are thousands of therapists and hundreds of teachers who have qualified through iSiS out there doing their thing.
Over 10,000 people have enjoyed our Monday evening talks and workshops over the years. Some people have met each other on Monday nights and several have gone on to marry having met their soul mate at iSiS. 

From the time at "Little iSiS" in Catherine Street, through our 5 store expansion up until my illness last year iSiS in all her guises has survived and prospered and it was a joy to see such a wonderful and clean end over last weekend when we closed the store. Although I couldn't be there myself, my wife led the team brilliantly.

On Wednesday I was taken to the shop so I could personally hand the keys over and close the shop doors for the last time. It was an emotional experience, closing 17 years of my life. But I left with a happy smile focused on a healthy future because, after my recent experiences, my outlook on life has changed. Things that were once vitally important are now irrelevant and simple things are beautiful again. 

The past few days have been spent starting to sort out everything. The stock for the website, picking and packing orders, and shredding the mountain of paperwork that came out of iSiS. My wife's been doing most of this as I'm just not up to doing anything much yet. And of course some of my crystal friends have helped me on the way too...

I found a ruby crystal on Monday that gave me strength and energy to flow through it all and a citrine crystal which as well as bringing energy, helps with my physical healing and brought great abundance from a visit from a wholesaler friend of mine :-) 

As we started to sort everything out at home on Thursday, my wife gave me a heart shaped strawberry quartz tumble stone which has helped to channel away the excess and attached energy of iSiS which is no longer in my life whilst still being able to hold on to the love and being thankful for all that I have received from her for all these years. Strawberry quartz has this great ability to take away the energies we no longer need in our lives. I found a quartz crystal that must have been with me for many, many years without me even knowing as it was amongst crystals from our treasure chest that had spilt behind it when it was put in place. This quartz crystal has helped bring clarity to my thoughts...

Just a thought... this used to be the introduction to my editorial in The Dawning for many years, 60 issues, from a photocopied sheet of A4 paper to 10,000 copies of the magazine... anyway the thought that I was just having is how remarkable I found the peace of not being responsible for everything on Thursday. Not being responsible for the building and alarms, for the staff and their jobs and their welfare and their well-being, for all the clients, therapists, psychics and customers that come into my life daily. Even when I'm not there, as I haven't been for so long, the weight of responsibility is both heavy and unnoticed. Like a lead yolk on my shoulders and a feather floating through the universe at exactly the same moment...



More about: ametrine, citrine, iSiS, iSiS Shop closing, quartz crystal, ruby, strawberry quartz, treasure chest

Comments: 4

Laureen Hemming | 25/08/2010 14:54

RE: iSiS

Philip - what a wonderful Blogg!!! My next year looks pretty horrendous in terms of change - changes at work which mean there will not be any nurses exiting after next tear with specialist degrees in Palliative Care or Oncolgy nursing! I have a group this year who are 'finishing' off their studies and then that will be it! I hope I have the courage to let go as positively as you have - once again, thanks for your guidance and leadership in these things!!! Love Laureen

The Crystal Healer | 01/09/2010 13:02

RE: iSiS

If you need any advice I'm still here.Just email whenever you like. Also try eudialyte to help with the changes or metamorphosis quartz. The eudialyte is on the website but not the metamorphosis quartz, but I've got some in stock, again just email. Love and crystal light always.

Matt Kenway | 07/09/2010 09:24

RE: iSiS

I just wanted to say I miss iSIS already! Market Place just isn't the same without that focal point on the corner next to the clock tower. Unfortunately we missed the last weekend because we were travelling down from Yorkshire, which I'm also gutted about! Never mind, can't be everywhere at once eh?

I hope your health is steadily improving, Philip, and that we see you around St Albans at some point in the not too distant future.

Cheers and good luck,

Matt Kenway

The Crystal Healer | 18/09/2010 10:24

RE: iSiS

Thanks Matt for your kind thoughts and yes I'll be around St Albans sooner or later when I'm back to full strength.
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