Energy interactions!

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My thought today is really that if we could all try and be receptive and aware of all the energies around us whether spirit or earth plane all the time - and act in harmony with them and our emotions, whether we like it or not, then life will be better for everyone. We are part of the whole energy mix, all of us and all of each of us, and we must all be involved in everything. if we try to hide, avoid the energies around us or "don't let them affect you" then that's affecting our/their energy too! And in fact by not participating in the flow of energy in your world you hamper and stunt it for those around you. So let the energy flow from you to everyone and everything around you. Make everything you touch a little happier today :-)
If you find this difficult for any reason try carrying a quartz crystal with you - it's the all sining all dancing stone that will bring a fresh ray of energy into your life...

Click here for more information on quartz crystals

More about: energy, natural energy, quartz crystal

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