Quartz Clear rock crystal

Quartz Crystal, clear quartz, rock crystal

Quartz comes in many varieties and formations. It is the most abundant mineral on the earth?s surface. Over 70% of the land we walk on is formed from quartz (or other silicates) in one form or another.

Quartz is ?the healing crystal? as it will channel any type of energy and help with all healing. If you are unsure which crystals to work with try quartz.
The use of quartz is recorded in many ancient manuscripts and modern science has proved time and again some of the energy properties of this crystal. From healing sickness and wounds to communicating with the spirits and from solid state electric fields to the piezoelectric effect, crystals are part of the basis of ancient traditions and our own modern 21st century technological society. It is the beliefs of the past, the magical and mystical dimensions of crystals, that they channel ?light? and that we are ?beings of light? and the view of the possible future through the eyes of the quantum physicist, that is, the universe is made up not of solid matter but simply of ?photons? of that very same ?light? which are the most remarkable.

Some of the many varieties of quartz with their healing qualities are covered individually in the following pages.  

Quartz Crystal
Hexagonal crystals and masses clear or white sometimes with inclusions see also specific quartzes.
Common alternate names - clear quartz, rock crystal
Common source ? worldwide, Arkansas, USA, Brazil, China, Madagascar, Russia, South Africa, Tibet
Astrological associations; all
Chakra; all
Healing qualities; channels any energy so will help with any condition. Also quartz specifically helps with; any pain or discomfort, diabetes, energy, ear - infections, tinnitus, hearing and balance. Meditation, focussing the mind, heart, general malaise, MS, ME, negativity, spine, obesity and weight loss. It is a ?Feel Better Stone? improving your quality of life, making you feel happier and re-energising your zest for life in all situations.

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