Customer ratings for Treasure Chest - Tumble stone mix medium size

Treasure Chest - Tumble stone mix medium size

Price incl. VAT, local (UK) taxes, excludes delivery

Treasure Chest tumble stone mix medium size Bag contains 0.5kg mixed medium size stones and crystals Approximately 90+ stones per 1/2 kg

In stock

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Number of ratings: 6
Average rating: 5
excellent quality and very good mix of crystals
from Anonymous on 16/04/2021
I love buying a lucky dip treasure chest as I feel the universe gives me the crystals I need ... thankyou so much xx
from Anonymous on 30/09/2018
What a fabulous assortment of crystals to work with - thank you
from barbara thorn on 07/10/2017
What a selection so many to work with and such an assortment of crystals
Highly recommend
excellent choice
from Anonymous on 28/10/2015
A great assortment of different stones and crystals for a very good price. These will help immensely with my crystal healing.
from Anonymous on 16/03/2015
Lots of different stones, great choice
from Anonymous on 11/01/2011
I was amazed at the quantity and mixture of both tumbled stones and crystals, there were even some I had tried to get on a certain Auction site but to no avail and to find them in this mixture was just perfect, I am learning about crystal healing and these stones and crystals will help me improve a lot, all I can say is that for the price you get what you ask for.

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