Customer ratings for Sacred Stones and Crystals by Philip Permutt and Lyn Palmer

Sacred Stones and Crystals by Philip Permutt and Lyn Palmer

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Sacred Stones and Crystals by Philip Permutt and Lyn Palmer - Philip Permutt's latest book co-written with his wife Lyn. Sacred Stones and Crystals takes you on a personal journey of discovery leading to a deeper connection, which can benefit your wellbeing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 4.8
from Anonymous on 26/04/2013
Clearly written a joy to read and gave me inspiration in my own practice.
Highly recommend
from Anonymous on 15/03/2012
This is such a lovely book. One of the things I love about it is how I can just pick it up and start reading wherever the pages fall open... It's a dip in and out book... something new and interesting each time I look... A bit like crystals!!!
A beautifully written and illustrated, concise and facinating guide to using crystals and stones.
from Anonymous on 26/10/2011
An excellent book, lovely photographs and information
from Anonymous on 17/10/2011

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