The Crystal Tarot by Philip Permutt

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Customer ratings for The Crystal Tarot by Philip Permutt

Number of ratings: 5
Average rating: 5
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Five star
from on 01/04/2013
Wonderful energy! I use my cards for my own layout - The Four Elements - Which tells me me how to balance and harmonize the elements within myself. These cards are perfect for this!!
Such beautiful cards
from on 03/04/2012
Such beautiful cards
from on 03/04/2012
These Tarot cards have such a lovely gentle energy and I found them so easy to read even though I have had very little experience of them before, such a good idea to know which crystals to use to enhance the readings. A friend who is a very powerful healer says that they have a very good energy, much more so than the usual Tarot cards.

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