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Who needs Shamanic Healing? By Guest Blogger and International Shamanic Healer Dawn Paul

Dawn Paul is a Shaman with an international reputation. I've known her for years and she's written this Guest Blog for us. Her Book - A Healer of Souls is available from Amazon 

Who needs Shamanic Healing? By Shamanic Healer Dawn Paul 

In social situations people react strangely when I say I am a shaman and that I work worldwide as a shamanic healer. “Isn’t that like voodoo?” they comment before walking away hurriedly. But I am keen to educate people about the benefits of shamanic healing because I believe that it is the best form of healing on the planet –  it is certainly the oldest! 

A shaman is someone who is responsible for the healing needs of his or her community, someone who works as an intermediary between this world and the spirit world to gain insight and knowledge as to the root of their client’s problem. A shaman is deeply connected to earth and to nature, and understands that there is information, knowledge and consciousness in all things - in each animal, plant and rock, thus he or she seeks to live in harmony with all of nature. He or she understands that there is only light energy or heavy energy and sometimes people need those energies bringing back into balance and alignment. A shaman also understands that a person’s soul is a fragile thing, which can take flight in a moment of trauma or fear and which needs to be bought back after the trauma has been cleared up so that the person can become whole again. Read more about soul loss and soul retrieval here.

In my shamanic healing practice I have seen countless miracles occur. I have seen men, women and children heal at the deepest levels, gain understanding about their spiritual and personal journeys from new perspectives and put years of trauma and abuse behind them to go on to lead happy and fulfilled lives. People come from all walks of life, from all religions and races and from all ages – my youngest client was 9months old and my oldest client is 90. I have written about their healing stories and my own journey in my book, A Healer of Souls . Things happen to us, fact. But it is important to remember that we do not have to carry our burdens with us. We can first heal them, then let them go, then move towards a happier and more fulfilling and joyful life – the lives that we were always meant to lead!

Clients come to see me for all sorts of reasons – physical illness, depression, panic attacks and anxiety, feeling stuck, relationship problems to childhood sexual abuse to simply wanting to do better in life, or even run better businesses! It is wrong to assume that if we bury our past problems they are gone – they are still there and we use a lot of energy to keep them buried. While it takes courage to seek help with our problems initially, we never look back, we never regret it and we always wish we had done it sooner. 

We are living in important times. As Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” The outside world is a reflection of the inside us. We can never have peace on earth when there is rage and anger inside of us. So, when we undertake our own healing work, not only do we help ourselves, but we also help those around us, and our beautiful planet.

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