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Spring, Light

I've noticed a dramatic change in the light since the Spring Equinox. There are so many phrases associated with light and its benefits. It's good. Being in the light. We feel safe in the light and look to it for answers. It is the source of life. The sun.
From the Spring Equinox onwards the world tips just slightly into daylight, leaving the night behind and everything seems brighter. People are in a better mood. The sun shines. People laugh.
The flowers display their colours like a rainbow exhibiting the wavelengths of light. Flowers of all hues, red and green, yellow and blue, pink, white and purple adore our gardens, parks and countryside.
It is a perfect time for healing. New growth, both inner and outer. The development of the body to reach a healthier complexion. My own healing, the final closing of my wound, has speeded greatly in the past week or so; but I'm not too surprised as I've seen this spurt of healing energy year after year with my clients. This year, somehow,  everything seems brighter. Each shade of green - did you know how many shades of green there are? I've noticed that there are so many in the natural world around us that they are uncountable. Don't try to numerate them, just look, contemplate and love. Don't envy their number or beauty, meditate with them in the garden of your heart.
I found prasiolite again, a crystal I haven't worked with for a while. I was looking for a crystal to help with my wound and was drawn inexplicably to this green stone. Prasiolite is a green variety of amethyst that is coloured by minerals from springs in deep amethyst mines in Brazil. It really is a stone from the depths of the Earth and as such it is, perhaps, unsurprising that it helps us look into the depths of our own soul.  
In my book The Crystal Healer I wrote that it was good for looking deeper into yourself and reaching inner depths in meditation (you may not like it but its good for you!), inner core, finding who you are, the cause of dis-ease, inner self and a connection to nature. I have been reminded of each and every facet of this crystals' way this week. Challenged to love myself and seen that the physical hole is shallow compared to the inner depths from where this crystal came - and touches.

If you'd like to try some prasiolite for yourself please contact me. (I have some but it's not on the website)

Comments: 1
More about: Light, meditation, prasiolite, spring, spring equinox

Comments: 1

Misti Hammers |
RE: Spring, Light
This is a lovely blog post!
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