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Opening Hours

We've had many requests about our opening hours at the Unit in St Albans. Here's a definitive list of our opening hours and we hope it helps...

Open most days... sometimes

Mon - Fri and sometimes Sat & Sun but not always any of them, we open at exactly about 10 or 11

but it could be as early as 6

or quite a bit later.

We close aroud 3 or 4

But sometimes as late as 11 or 12.

On special days we might close just before we open.

Some days or afternoons

we aren't here at all, and lately

I've been here just about All The Time

Except when I'm Somewhere Else,

But I probably should be here then too.

We Welcome Visitors to our Unit in St Albans but please make an appointment as you can see we're not always here and  won't answer the door if I'm with a healing client. Just give us a call on 07808 730750 to arrange a visit to see our extensive crystal stocks, books, CDs, incense, etc..

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