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How many people do you meet?

An interesting envelope came in the post the other day... It said I was selected to take part in a survey, and you know what... it's the first time I've been selected for something and it hasn't cost me any money! So I thought I'd give it a go. It's a research project for a couple of professors from the Universities of Warwick and Liverpool entitled " Social Contact Survey".

They are trying to understand how epidemics, such as Swine Flu, spread through the population. Worrying when people dealing with Swine Flu have sent 4,000 letters out and licked the envelopes! So anyway, actually did they lick the envelopes? I'm worrying me now... As I was saying, anyway, they are asking simple questions like how many people you met, for how long, how far from home and things like that. They're only interested in people who you had contact with or spoke to. Touch means shaking hands or kissing, which if I remember rightly were viewed as the same thing by Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate!!

Well amazing as it may be, they ask you to complete this information for the next Saturday after you receive the form, which is today. Today being the first Saturday of December, traditionally one of the busiest days in any shop in the UK. So here's a brief summery of the outcome...

Today I met my wife (not surprising) and I spent more than one hour with her (also not surprising) at home (OK we're being obvious!). I also met 2 of my staff , one Tarot reader and a Reiki Master teaching a Reiki 1 course (again all unsurprisingly in my shop). Now the interesting bit... I met 106 customers of which 16 I "shook hands" with and the rest I talked to. Let's extrapolate this and if I assume my staff did the same then we served over 300 customers today in 8 hours.That's one customer every 1.6 minutes or every 96 seconds! Pretty efficient.

"What does all this mean?", I hear you ask. Well, we were very busy in the shop, but the scientists are looking at spreading infections and I reckon that if we weren't protected by all our crystals we'd be the centre of an outbreak for just about about anything going. Don't worry we're all fit and well! And the lesson is wear or carry your tourmaline crystal at all times to protect you on all levels including the physical!


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More about: social contact survey, swine flu, tourmaline

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