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Full Moon

The night of Wednesday 19th January...
I didn't sleep at all. And the weird thing is that several other people have mentioned that they had a bit of a time with the full moon too. Then two other facts were rammed into my consciousness. Firstly it was the first full moon of 2011 and secondly that it wasn't just my energy aware friends who were noticing their reactions but some neighbours and friends who do not usually comment on these esoteric matters at all. One person emailed that they were leaving their dream research for another time and another asking which crystals they could carry to calm them down and help them cope. Well if you're suffering with the full moon try carrying or wearing aquamarine, moonstone, tourmaline or rose quartz to help balance the effects of the full moon and ruby to enhance the shifting energy for your benefit. Or you can place any or all of these crystals under your pillow at night.

 I noticed that this first full moon in 2011 has affected so many people, that something just has to be happening. One friend suggests that we are entering exciting times and the beginnings of energy shifts in so many people are a sign of this. I think these shifts have been occurring for a while and that more and more people are beginning to be aware of this reality. But it doesn't matter which way round you look at these events; more people are raising their consciousness to a higher level.

For more information on important 2011 dates click this link and scroll to January 2011 and  January 2011 update
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Comments: 2
More about: aquamarine, full moon, moonstone, rose quartz, ruby, tourmaline

Comments: 2

Helen Shrimpton |
RE: Full Moon
I have had so many conversations with friends and customers about strange goings on lately...
like you both energy aware and "normal folk" have been noticing strange things that just don't normally happen to them!
from waking at 4am to muzzy headaches, feeling unbalanced, lightheaded, over emotional etc.. so I did a straw pole on facebook.... I was amazed at the amount of comments people made about these things happening since the end of december.
I person said "don't be daft, the moon can't effect us" !
my reply... "well if it can change the tides of the oceans then why do you think humans are immune to it's effects"?
and I truely do believe we are living in very exciting times :)
love and light to all x
Matt Kenway |
RE: Full Moon
I had a rubbish night's sleep that night, and (as mentioned by Philip and Helen above) people at work with no interest in these things also mentioned that they hadn't been able to sleep well either.

I have been feeling quite agitated recently (not like me at all) and I put it down to worrying about moving away. But I'm really excited about moving away, I can't wait, so maybe it's not to do with that at all.

Blessings to all.

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