Please note that while the descriptions of the properties, qualities and meanings of some crystals refer to healing benefits, they are not intended to replace diagnosis of illness or ailments, or healing or medicine and do not imply a Guarantee of effect. Crystals and crystal healing may offer a treatment which is supportive of your healing, they do not offer a direct cure to physical ailments as they work on the vital energy level. Always consult your doctor or other health professional in the case of illness. Although there is little scientific evidence of the efficacy of crystal healing, there has been very little research conducted and in our experience many people benefit from the energy of crystals.
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Crystal Therapists work in different ways so this is written from my perspective.
In a Crystal Healing Treatment I will start by asking how you feel, why you've come to see me and we'll fill in a consent form with some simple standard information. We may talk a little about life, the universe and anything you like. I'll ask you to lie on the therapy couch. It's quite comfortable and there's no need to remove any clothing. Then I'll start selecting crystals especially for you and placing them where they need to be on your body. I may work with a crystal pendulum or completely intuitively. I may also have selected some crystals for you before you arrive. Once the crystals have been placed, I will work with other crystal healing techniques to activate the crystals and enhance the treatment. Sometimes I feel the need to include other therapies such as Reiki or Traditional Taoist Healing. I may leave you for a short while in a blissful crystal energy bath. At the end of the treatment we'll have a little time to talk and I'll check you are grounded before you leave. Crystal treatments really are a treat!
Crystals can help with almost any condition whether it is physical, emotional or spiritual.
Crystal healing treatments are available with internationally acclaimed crystal expert, author, teacher and healer Philip Permutt. Treatments usually last about 50 minutes -1 hour and are £60. Please be aware that it may take a series of treatments to resolve any issue. To read more about Philip Permutt, The CrystalHealer Biography click here
Philip’s books include:
The Crystal Healer
The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing
Sacred Stones and Crystals (with Lyn Palmer)
The Crystal Tarot
The Little Book of Crystal Tips & Cures
* Copyright 1993-2017 Philip Permutt. Web Dedsign - Kal Consulting