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Communication crystals

I recently posted a comment on facebook about the worst political speeches of all time, and unsurprisingly the winner was Mr Bush, 2nd came Arnold Schwarzenegger. Obviously what they were missing in their toolbox were crystals for communication.

Communication is vital for us all as it affects so many things. It's not just speech and talking, but also writing, art or any type of creativity or creative pursuit, body language and even the pheromones we give off.

Blue lace agate is the easiest crystal to start with. Just carry it with you and place it on your throat for 20 - 30 minutes each day. You can also try aqua aura, blue topaz, indicolite (blue tourmaline), tanzanite and turquoise.

Mookaite improves communication skills. Erythrite aids conversation. Blue quartz helps you express what's on your mind. Barite assists with the explanation of ideas. For public speaking try working with amethyst, septarian and turquoise. Your body language can be improved with smokey quartz.

Perhaps send one of these to your local MP!!

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