Philip's Crystal Blog

Philip Permutt's musings on crystals, crystal healing, life, the universe and everything all contained in one simple blog. Although Philip writes extensively in his books on crystal healing, his Take a Break's Fate & Fortune Crystal Clinic with Philip Permutt monthly column and other magazine articles he still occasionally finds time to write things here!

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Aura quartz crystals

Aura quartz crystals
Genuine aura quartz crystals are natural quartz crystals treated with rare metals in a special bonding process at high temperature and pressure in conditions that could be similar to a natural volcanic eruption, but on a much smaller scale. This is as close to a natural formation as is possible with many of these elements and it produces some of the most beautiful crystals on Earth.
Some crystals and minerals are difficult or impractical to work with because of the form they grow in or their cost such as gold and platinum. The aura quartzes give you an opportunity to work with these crystals to improve your health and well-being. All of our aura quartzes are produced in the USA.
The Aura quartzes and healing properties
aqua_aura_points_100web.jpgAqua Aura is natural quartz crystal bonded with gold and resonates with the brow and throat chakras.
Healing qualities include boosting and strengthening the aura, communication, protection, all psychic abilities, negativity, depression, sadness, loss, grief and generally a “feel better stone”. Excellent with helping you cope with shock and trauma on any level.
Titanium quartz, which is also known as flame aura quartz, rainbow quartz and rainbow aura quartz, is natural quartz crystal bonded with titanium and resonates with all the chakras.
Healing Qualities include helping to centre your emotions when you feel “all over the place”. It helps you see another’s point of view, aids meditation, stimulates energy flow, promotes change and eases the process of transformation. Titanium quartz helps you find your own true path through life, making career decisions and seeing auras. It can be useful in the treatment of fever, fluids, dehydration and water retention. It prevents illness (keeps you well), a is a “feel better crystal”,. It can also help bone cancer, AIDS and multiple sclerosis.
Angel aura is natural quartz crystal bonded with platinum and silver and resonates with all your chakras. It is also known as rainbow aura, platinum aura and opal aura.
Healing qualities include enhancing your connection to angels and the angelic realms, boosts your aura, gives protection and links to matters relating to your karma and the akashic records. It supports nurture, empathy and is particularly helpful for those in the caring professions. Angel aura quartz enhances love, promotes peace, brings balance and harmony and keeps you well by supporting your immune system.
Tanzanite indigo aura is natural quartz crystal bonded with iridium and gold. It resonates with the brow and crown chakras.
Healing qualities include boosting your spiritual connection regardless of belief. This helps you to express your own understanding clearly to others without being dogmatic or judgemental. In fact it generally reduces judgemental attitudes and changes fixed thought patterns. Helps to reduce physical pain and brings mental clarity.
Golden orange mist aura is natural quartz crystal bonded with gold and iron oxide. It resonates with the sacral chakra.
Healing qualities include anything to do with physical energy… so that’s almost everything! It will give you more strength, vitality and endurance in both everyday actions and special tasks. It helps digestion. Golden orange mist aura stimulates mental activity, ambition and creativity and assimilation of ideas. It brings strength of character and confidence in abundance. It is also helpful when you need to make serious decisions.
Majestic champagne aura is natural quartz crystal bonded with gold and iron oxide. This is the same as golden orange mist aura crystal but the gold and iron oxide are in different proportions. It resonates with the base and crown chakras.
Healing qualities include an ability to link the spiritual and physical worlds creating a bridge between the two and helping you achieve balance in physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of your life. It really acts to interweave all the pathways in your life together into one directional flow. Majestic champagne aura is also beneficial for restless leg syndrome, leg cramps and muscle spasms, headaches, both physical and mental itches and irritations. It is a very liberating crystal, freeing your mind whilst grounding you and holding you down at the same time.

Some of these crystals are quite recent acquisitions so they will have far more benefits than expressed here. So think of this as a starting point and please feel free to share your own findings with us here.

One word of warning when buying any aura quartz is that there are cheap replicas on the market manufactured extensively in the Far East and Africa. These are often known by other names such a rainbow rock or rainbow crystal and although superficially may look similar, they are just a coating on a crystal or coloured glass.

Aqua aura, angel aura, platinum aura, titanium quartz, flame aura, tanzanite indigo aura, majestic champagne aura, golden orange mist aura, rainbow quartz, rainbow aura quartz

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Christmas Crystals

Christmas Crystals All sorts of things happen when the festive season starts. Some wonderful, some interesting and some of them can appear absolutely disastrous!

So what is it that causes half the planet to go into a tiz? How is it that even those who plan their festivities months in advance, you know the really organised people of the world, still have a mad rush because Aunt Edith has decided to come for lunch? Why has Dear Aunt Edith chosen today to come for lunch? She hasn’t been to us for two years and she expects lunch… She’ll expect a glass of sherry too... And what about a present? And do the kids have to give her presents too? Oh I forgot to tell you, its quarter to three in the afternoon and the date is 24th December!

First thing is to calm down. In fact don’t wait till Christmas Eve, calm down now. Relax, chill, and meditate. Try a little meditation because just ten minutes a day for a couple of weeks before Christmas will help you relax, change how you feel and make it easier for you to cope with the festivities.

I was thinking… what else happens and how can crystals help to make your life better?

Well, amethyst clears the air. An Amethyst geode (also known as a cathedral or cave) placed in a living room or dining room will help to clear and energise the air. It will make your whole home feel fresher, calmer and more welcoming.

Calcite is also very calming. Red and honey calcite are good for physical relaxation. Blue calcite works on the mind to ease any worries, whilst the green variety of calcite will help soothe your emotions and feelings. For spiritual tranquillity surround yourself with golden calcite that brings a blissful feeling to both you and those around you.

Rose quartz is the stone of love, peace and goodwill. Like a bubble bath for your emotions, its energy washes over you and gently bathes your heart in gentle pink crystal light washing away the hassles and stresses of the day. It’s a wonderful feeling on dark winter nights (or any time for that matter). Try putting some rose quartz in your bath to refresh your skin and soak any aches away and help you feel younger.

If you feel you need an energy boost, hold a garnet crystal for half an hour or carry it with you all day. It’s great for a detox and cleanses the blood so it will help rid you of all those festive toxins too!

Brightening up both your home and your energy is easy with quartz crystals. Put a cluster in any room to add sparkle, hang crystals from your tree or windows (faceted hanging crystals will generate rainbows of light when the sun hits them) and carry a small crystal with you.

Take care if you’re travelling to family or friends over the festive season. This time of year people always seem to be in a hurry or distracted by thoughts of what they’re going to buy or cook and for whom; so even if you are the most careful driver on the road others may not be as focused as they should be. Whether it’s a walk to the local corner shop or flying to see relations in Australia, carry turquoise to protect you whilst travelling and keep you safe from misfortune.

Of course not everyone enjoys the festivities and some people find this time of year emotionally difficult. Apache tears help to release deep seated emotions. If you feel uncomfortable approaching this season keep an Apache tear with you. It will help you to gently let go of the past and slowly feel better about the festive season.

Aqua aura balances your energy field and protects you too. It adds colour, lifts you up and lets you down slowly. It gives you extra strength when you need it. And if you want to get away from it all it titanium quartz is great too as it aids astral travel and access to other dimensions. Angel aura quartz helps you connect to your angels guides and relatives who have passed over.

Now if your neighbours keep having noisy parties and don't invite you try putting a piece of pyrite on each window ledge. It’s magical and in no time at all you won’t even notice them.

And after it’s all over malachite will help you have a peaceful nights sleep.

Whatever you choose to celebrate I wish you a happy and peaceful festive season.

Merry Christmas


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