Philip Permutt's musings on crystals, crystal healing, life, the universe and everything all contained in one simple blog. Although Philip writes extensively in his books on crystal healing, his Take a Break's Fate & Fortune Crystal Clinic with Philip Permutt monthly column and other magazine articles he still occasionally finds time to write things here!
Does it seem odd writing about depression now? The sun shining and the warmth of spring easing out the aches of a cold and damp winter. But what we often ignore is that some people just don't like the sun. It gets them down in just the same way as Christmas or the dark winter nights might affect others.
I was reminded of this by this email from a client in my inbox today and thought I'd share the answer with all. I hope it helps someone.
"You helped me before Phil which I appreciated very much. Can you tell me which crystals are good for depression as I feel so low- I just can't be bothered doing anything and feel life is passing me buy. I hate feeling like this Thankyou"
There are quite a few crystals that can help you.
Garnet can help give you a boost of positive energy.
Malachite and mookaite can even you out if your emotions are swinging up and down.
Malachite and zircon can help depression especially if it’s linked to insomnia and keeping you up at night.
Aqua aura and gold will help if you feel weighed down with burdens.
Tiger’s eye is a “feel better” stone and will lift you out of the doldrums. Quartz crystal and citrine may also help this.
Bowenite can help you put the adventure back into life.
Chrysoprase calms the mind and will help you see through the fog of confusion.
Sapphire and idocrase will help depression liked to a feeling of being spiritually lost.
Peridot will help cleanse your system leaving you feeling lighter and brighter.
Pink banded agate will ease depression brought on by matters of love or caused by a broken heart.
Kunzite, lepidolite and staurolite will help you change behaviours and climb out of depression.
Try Lapis Lazuli if your creativity has taken a knock.
Coral and jet can help if you’re depressed because you are tied up with other peoples issues.
Rutilated quartz and tourmalinated quartz can aid when the depression gets really bad and helps relieve despair.
Smokey quartz if the depression is linked to personal issues of body, looks, injury etc.
And finally black opal can give you a “kick up the bum” when it’s time for you to move on out of depression.
With all these crystals keep them near you, carry them or wear them in jewellery and hold or play with them as often as you like.
Please feel free to email or phone if you have a specific personal question or if it's more general just comment on here and I'll reply soon.
Wishing you all a blooming spring :-)
Love and crystal light
I have just added the last of the current stock of smokey quartz to the website and as I was handling these wonderful crystal clusters I felt a strength surge through me. It reminds me of the protective energies associated with this crystal, but there's so much more that smokey quartz can help with that's sometimes overlooked. So here's some information.... But if you want your smokey quartz crystal cluster for protection then just cleanse it and pop it on a window sill, or by your bed or in your office or workplace, or wherever you spend a lot of your time.
Smokey quartz
Brown or black variety of quartz coloured by natural radiation from the earth. This process can be duplicated in laboratories quite effectively so a lot of the material on the market is “man made”.
Common alternate name – smoky quartz, carnigorm
Common source – Brazil, Madagascar, USA
Astrological associations; Capricorn, Sagittarius
Chakra; base
Healing qualities; Dream interpretation, vitality, physical expression, sexual energy, mental activity, negativity, relaxation, stammer, sedative, anger, depression, despair, grief, grounding, legs, knees, ankles, hands, feet, moving forward in life, energy healing modalities - channelling energy through your hands (e.g. reiki, spiritual healing, etc), Protection (sends back the bad stuff to it’s source! Speeds up the laws of karma!), protection during ceremonies, meditation, male energies, survival instincts, intuition, overspending/spendaholic.
I keep being asked about combining crystals, which crystals can you keep together? which crystals work well together and crystals that amplify other crystals. The simple rule (if there are any rules?) is that you can keep any combination of crystals together. Many people say that when they combine crystals they all work better. As each crystal is working not just on a specific issue but on an aspect or specific cause of the issue it is hardly surprising to find this. For example rose quartz, moonstone and chrysocolla all improve fertility but all work slightly differently. One will be the right one for you but we have little idea which (you could dowse these with your crystal pendulum). When you combine all three they always work, so they "appear" to be working better as a group than one by itself. As crystals work by balancing whatever they're working on, if you don't need a crystal it will just look pretty and do no harm.
There are many crystal combinations that work well together such as citrine and crazy lace agate for confidence or tourmaline and smokey quartz (smoky quartz)for protection. There are obviously too many to go into, the positive combinations are endless, so try them for yourself.
Ruby amplifies the effect of any crystal it's placed near. Other crystals are reputed to do this too such as green fluorite and diamond. And some change the effects like Herkimer diamond which brings out the spiritual side of any other crystal.
But, as I said, there are no rules... so try your own combinations.
I recently posted a comment on facebook about the worst political speeches of all time, and unsurprisingly the winner was Mr Bush, 2nd came Arnold Schwarzenegger. Obviously what they were missing in their toolbox were crystals for communication.
Communication is vital for us all as it affects so many things. It's not just speech and talking, but also writing, art or any type of creativity or creative pursuit, body language and even the pheromones we give off.
Blue lace agate is the easiest crystal to start with. Just carry it with you and place it on your throat for 20 - 30 minutes each day. You can also try aqua aura, blue topaz, indicolite (blue tourmaline), tanzanite and turquoise.
Mookaite improves communication skills. Erythrite aids conversation. Blue quartz helps you express what's on your mind. Barite assists with the explanation of ideas. For public speaking try working with amethyst, septarian and turquoise. Your body language can be improved with smokey quartz.
Perhaps send one of these to your local MP!!