Philip's Crystal Blog

Philip Permutt's musings on crystals, crystal healing, life, the universe and everything all contained in one simple blog. Although Philip writes extensively in his books on crystal healing, his Take a Break's Fate & Fortune Crystal Clinic with Philip Permutt monthly column and other magazine articles he still occasionally finds time to write things here!

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New Moon Meditation

New Moon Meditation, a taster of Philip Permutt's Crystal New Moon Meditation Workshops held almost every New Moon at The Crystal Healer in St Albans" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

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Spring, Light

I've noticed a dramatic change in the light since the Spring Equinox. There are so many phrases associated with light and its benefits. It's good. Being in the light. We feel safe in the light and look to it for answers. It is the source of life. The sun.
From the Spring Equinox onwards the world tips just slightly into daylight, leaving the night behind and everything seems brighter. People are in a better mood. The sun shines. People laugh.
The flowers display their colours like a rainbow exhibiting the wavelengths of light. Flowers of all hues, red and green, yellow and blue, pink, white and purple adore our gardens, parks and countryside.
It is a perfect time for healing. New growth, both inner and outer. The development of the body to reach a healthier complexion. My own healing, the final closing of my wound, has speeded greatly in the past week or so; but I'm not too surprised as I've seen this spurt of healing energy year after year with my clients. This year, somehow,  everything seems brighter. Each shade of green - did you know how many shades of green there are? I've noticed that there are so many in the natural world around us that they are uncountable. Don't try to numerate them, just look, contemplate and love. Don't envy their number or beauty, meditate with them in the garden of your heart.
I found prasiolite again, a crystal I haven't worked with for a while. I was looking for a crystal to help with my wound and was drawn inexplicably to this green stone. Prasiolite is a green variety of amethyst that is coloured by minerals from springs in deep amethyst mines in Brazil. It really is a stone from the depths of the Earth and as such it is, perhaps, unsurprising that it helps us look into the depths of our own soul.  
In my book The Crystal Healer I wrote that it was good for looking deeper into yourself and reaching inner depths in meditation (you may not like it but its good for you!), inner core, finding who you are, the cause of dis-ease, inner self and a connection to nature. I have been reminded of each and every facet of this crystals' way this week. Challenged to love myself and seen that the physical hole is shallow compared to the inner depths from where this crystal came - and touches.

If you'd like to try some prasiolite for yourself please contact me. (I have some but it's not on the website)

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Christmas Crystals

Christmas Crystals All sorts of things happen when the festive season starts. Some wonderful, some interesting and some of them can appear absolutely disastrous!

So what is it that causes half the planet to go into a tiz? How is it that even those who plan their festivities months in advance, you know the really organised people of the world, still have a mad rush because Aunt Edith has decided to come for lunch? Why has Dear Aunt Edith chosen today to come for lunch? She hasn’t been to us for two years and she expects lunch… She’ll expect a glass of sherry too... And what about a present? And do the kids have to give her presents too? Oh I forgot to tell you, its quarter to three in the afternoon and the date is 24th December!

First thing is to calm down. In fact don’t wait till Christmas Eve, calm down now. Relax, chill, and meditate. Try a little meditation because just ten minutes a day for a couple of weeks before Christmas will help you relax, change how you feel and make it easier for you to cope with the festivities.

I was thinking… what else happens and how can crystals help to make your life better?

Well, amethyst clears the air. An Amethyst geode (also known as a cathedral or cave) placed in a living room or dining room will help to clear and energise the air. It will make your whole home feel fresher, calmer and more welcoming.

Calcite is also very calming. Red and honey calcite are good for physical relaxation. Blue calcite works on the mind to ease any worries, whilst the green variety of calcite will help soothe your emotions and feelings. For spiritual tranquillity surround yourself with golden calcite that brings a blissful feeling to both you and those around you.

Rose quartz is the stone of love, peace and goodwill. Like a bubble bath for your emotions, its energy washes over you and gently bathes your heart in gentle pink crystal light washing away the hassles and stresses of the day. It’s a wonderful feeling on dark winter nights (or any time for that matter). Try putting some rose quartz in your bath to refresh your skin and soak any aches away and help you feel younger.

If you feel you need an energy boost, hold a garnet crystal for half an hour or carry it with you all day. It’s great for a detox and cleanses the blood so it will help rid you of all those festive toxins too!

Brightening up both your home and your energy is easy with quartz crystals. Put a cluster in any room to add sparkle, hang crystals from your tree or windows (faceted hanging crystals will generate rainbows of light when the sun hits them) and carry a small crystal with you.

Take care if you’re travelling to family or friends over the festive season. This time of year people always seem to be in a hurry or distracted by thoughts of what they’re going to buy or cook and for whom; so even if you are the most careful driver on the road others may not be as focused as they should be. Whether it’s a walk to the local corner shop or flying to see relations in Australia, carry turquoise to protect you whilst travelling and keep you safe from misfortune.

Of course not everyone enjoys the festivities and some people find this time of year emotionally difficult. Apache tears help to release deep seated emotions. If you feel uncomfortable approaching this season keep an Apache tear with you. It will help you to gently let go of the past and slowly feel better about the festive season.

Aqua aura balances your energy field and protects you too. It adds colour, lifts you up and lets you down slowly. It gives you extra strength when you need it. And if you want to get away from it all it titanium quartz is great too as it aids astral travel and access to other dimensions. Angel aura quartz helps you connect to your angels guides and relatives who have passed over.

Now if your neighbours keep having noisy parties and don't invite you try putting a piece of pyrite on each window ledge. It’s magical and in no time at all you won’t even notice them.

And after it’s all over malachite will help you have a peaceful nights sleep.

Whatever you choose to celebrate I wish you a happy and peaceful festive season.

Merry Christmas


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Reiki workshop and Meditation Nights

Yesterday in the recording studio with Llewellyn at Paradise Music went brilliantly - 2 new albums; Reiki Workshop and Meditation Nights, Angels of the Rainbow Waterfall. They're both out later this year. Well actually we started recorded the Meditation nights album 5 years ago but we couldn't agree its format until now!! Is this a record?
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Back in the world of CDs

Since recording my last CD, The Little Crystal Meditation Album, last year I've been working in the recording studio in my Executive Producer role with Cassandra Eason and Llewellyn recording Cassandra Eason's Chronicles of Magic. Now the 7 albums are almost finished, the first 2 CDs are already out, Love Magick and Moon Magick. So it's my turn and I'm back in the studio on Monday finishing a meditation album I started in 2005 and recording a new Reiki Workshop.
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