Philip's Crystal Blog

Philip Permutt's musings on crystals, crystal healing, life, the universe and everything all contained in one simple blog. Although Philip writes extensively in his books on crystal healing, his Take a Break's Fate & Fortune Crystal Clinic with Philip Permutt monthly column and other magazine articles he still occasionally finds time to write things here!

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Sunshine joy can last forever...

Sunshine joy can last forever... just take an imperial (golden) topaz crystal and hold it in the sunlight, willing it to store some of the sun's radiant energy for you when you need it. Sharing love and crystal light xx


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Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice
Interesting facts about the Summer Solstice
1. The words come from the Latin words for ‘sun’ and ‘stand still’
2.  It’s the longest day of the year
3.  It is also the shortest night of the year (in case you hadn’t worked that bit out)
4.  It’s in June in the real bit of the world but for some bizarre reason our antipodean cousins celebrate this event in December – waltzing Matilda indeed!
5. People call it different things like St Johns Day – if you don’t like Pagans, Litha for the pointy hat brigade and Midsummer if you’re on the same planet as Shakespeare!  (Or Marlow or whoever wrote the Bard’s plays and sonnets.
6. Different people like doing very different things. Some like getting up VERY early in the morning, gathering with many people they have never seen before near VERY big stones and chanting a lot, whilst others simply like setting fire to things, especially on top of hills and rolling these burning things into the nearest convenient bit of water! This tradition dates back to Viking times when the invading Pagan hoards had great fun playing this game with Christian Priests. The Romans had a festival for everything that usually involved lots of orgies and drinking of wine from amethyst goblets. Still others just like to sit in the sun.
7. The midsummer moon is known as the honey moon. This may be because: a. it’s a traditional time for weddings and the traditional drink at weddings is mead b. it’s the time of year when bees are most active or c. it’s quite a nice name really.
8. It is reputed to be a time when evil spirits roam the earth plane. To counter this it is traditional to wear garlands of herbs and flowers. One of the most effective is St Johns Wart… which many pagans wear in deference to the people who don’t like Pagans!
9. It’s a time of magic and mystery.
Crystals to meditate with or focus the sun’s energy and bring it into your life for the Summer Solstice include imperial topaz (golden topaz), amber, citrine and gold. Quartz crystal can be very powerful too, but beware the sun’s rays being magnified and setting fire to anything nearby!
However you choose to celebrate have a wonderful day

Keywords: summer solstice, imperial topaz, golden topaz, amber, citrine gold, quartz crystal

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