Philip's Crystal Blog

Philip Permutt's musings on crystals, crystal healing, life, the universe and everything all contained in one simple blog. Although Philip writes extensively in his books on crystal healing, his Take a Break's Fate & Fortune Crystal Clinic with Philip Permutt monthly column and other magazine articles he still occasionally finds time to write things here!

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Aqua aura quartz crystal

Funny I mentioned this amazing crystal just the other day in my last blog post and today a shipment arrives from our colonial cousins in the good ol' US of A :-) Now, is this a coincidence or the power of my subconcious mind to tune into the customs department at Heathrow airport and be aware of them releasing the shipment? Or perhaps just luck? Or maybe I knew from experience all along that this shipment would probably turn up this week? I haven't got a clue. I'm a great believer that customs officials the world over exist in a different dimension to everyone else.

Anyway, here's a photo of a sample - we've got hundreds! And information on aqua aura quartz crystal

aqua_aura_points_100web.jpgAqua aura 
Quartz crystal bonded with gold giving beautiful mostly clear blue crystals and clusters.
Common source – USA (from Arkansas or Brazilian quartz)
Astrological associations; Leo
Chakra; brow, throat
Healing qualities; aura, communication, protection, all psychic abilities, negativity, depression, sadness, loss, grief, a “feel better stone”. 
And the most amazing thing that aqua aura does is help to relieve and release shock and trauma. Just hold a crystal if you (or someone else) has a shock and you will see the positive effects rapidly.

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