Philip Permutt's musings on crystals, crystal healing, life, the universe and everything all contained in one simple blog. Although Philip writes extensively in his books on crystal healing, his Take a Break's Fate & Fortune Crystal Clinic with Philip Permutt monthly column and other magazine articles he still occasionally finds time to write things here!
A quick crystal tip to help you say how you feel and express yourself, your feelings, emotions and thoughts clearly. Hope you find this helpful
Sometimes people have difficulty expressing themselves and really saying what they want to say. Saying things in a kind
way or sometimes just saying things, getting things off your chest and telling people how you really fee. My name is Philip
and I've been working with crystals for over a quarter of a century. If you like the videos then please subscribe to the
YouTube channel, like comment share this video across all of social media. And this guy is our friend today. This is kyanite
he’s a blue crystal and kyanite works wonderfully well with a throat chakra. So here in the throat. And sometimes when you
find it difficult to express yourself it's because you've got a choking feeling coming up from your, your stomach or from your
heart and it doesn't come out of your throat, you stop yourself speaking. Kyanite is a wonderful, wonderful crystal to help
this. So simply carry it with you when you feel that you want to say something and you're having difficulty just take it out
your pocket, hold it, give it a rub, or you can even hold it in your pocket no one needs to know. You can wear them as
jewellery. You can put them by your bed at night or under your pillow, keep them around you, keep them where you work.
I hope this helps it's very, very quick Tip, but a wonderful crystal. Thank you for watching and hope to see you again soon.
We had a fantastic last two weeks at the shop before we closed and have now moved 100% online. The website is proving as popular as ever with many of our local customers now finding us online too. We still have one of the largest retail stocks of crystals in the UK so if you don't see what you're looking for on the website just send us an email, we've probably got it in stock.
We are adding more and more to the site almost daily and we have started to list the hundreds of crystals, books, CDs etc which will eventually be listed on ebay over the next few weeks. We list on ebay under the user name mineralman42. visit ebay
We're sorry but we are just not set up now for personal callers and the best way to contact us is by email. We can also take telephone orders too.
Another amazing event was the launch of Philip's latest book, The Crystal Tarot. This is a full 78 card tarot pack with illustrated book.
Link to The Crystal Tarot by Philip Permutt
In The Crystal Tarot, the mysterious imagery of tarot and the beauty and power of crystals intertwine to give unique insights into our lives. Crystals, like tarot cards, have for centuries been used for healing and divination. In this boxed set, each card image shows a crystal, along with a traditional tarot image, which enhances its meaning. The High Priestess card, for instance, shows the lapis lazuli crystal, which links with her tarot meaning of spiritual truth and intuition - she guides us to listen to the voice of our true selves. Accompanied by a book by author and crystal healer Philip Permutt showing how to lay out the cards for a reading, tarot aficionados will fall in love with the beguiling images, while novice readers will find it an irresistible first deck. The specially commissioned illustrations are by Emma Garner, artist of the bestselling "Art of Tarot". They beautifully blend traditional tarot imagery with crystals: the Sun card has a sun of topaz, and the World card shows the traditional world dancer holding wands of quartz.
Join us on the next step along the path, visit the website or see us on ebay with mineralman42. You can keep up to date with what's happening here with Philip's crystal blog or Philip Permutt on facebook too.
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