Please note that while the descriptions of the properties, qualities and meanings of some crystals refer to healing benefits, they are not intended to replace diagnosis of illness or ailments, or healing or medicine and do not imply a Guarantee of effect. Crystals and crystal healing may offer a treatment which is supportive of your healing, they do not offer a direct cure to physical ailments as they work on the vital energy level. Always consult your doctor or other health professional in the case of illness. Although there is little scientific evidence of the efficacy of crystal healing, there has been very little research conducted and in our experience many people benefit from the energy of crystals.
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Nayana Patel at Divine Life Reiki Crystal Training with Philip
Neil and Zena Hammond at Crystal Heaven Crystal and Reiki Master Teachers in Essex, trained with Philip and reccomended
Jane Alexander Crystal and Reiki Master teacher in Cumbria, trained with Philip and reccomended
Crystal Light Healing - Sandra Pepper Crystal therapist and teacher in North London.
Dawn Paul - Shamanic Healer and author of A Healer Of Souls
Build your confidence and move forward in your life with our personal development and self help retreats
Ashley Leavy Crystal Teacher and Healer in WI USA
Angel Crystal Healing Angel Crystal Healing is a revolutionary therapy that utilizes the healing energy of the Archangels and Angels in conjunction with healing energy of Crystals to bring about an effective difference in the way we feel.
Ray Menezes
* Copyright 1993-2017 Philip Permutt. Web Dedsign - Kal Consulting