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Natalie Williams
30/04/2019 14:47


Hello there Philip

I wonder if you could help me, I've had Endometriosis since I was 14 (I'm now 40) and although on and off of the Pill which helped to a degree i do believe Crystal Healing would help.

I've been learning about the benefits of Healing and know I need to focus on my Sacral Chakra so in this I thought about carrying a Carnelian Crystal with me and doing Sacral Meditation.

Is this correct? Could you advise any other crystals that may also assist?

Much appreciated
Best wishes
The Crystal Healer
01/05/2019 07:38

RE: Endometriosis

Hi Natalie, Carnelian and sacral chakra meditation is a good place to start. Also try moonstone, and pink tourmaline. Crystal healing treatments will also help but would recomend a series of treatments with a local therapist. Love and crystal light
Natalie Williams
04/05/2019 14:55

RE: Endometriosis

Thank you for your suggestions, I will look into getting Crystal Healing with a local therapist.