Simplicity of crystals

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I was reminded today of the simplicity of crystals. A lady came to the Unit in St Albans and as well as buying the crystals she had come for, and others discovered when she was here, I felt she needed something for the heart chakra to help heal loss. I suggested my favourite combination for this - eudialyte and morganite working as a pair and I just knew she'd love the morganite! Several things then happened... firstly she was drawn to unakite, the pink and green gem variety of epidote, then I gave her a box full of eudialyte to see which crystal she liked - she was hesitant. I looked for the morganite... She picked up one and then another eudialyte... I looked for the morganite... she felt edgy and put the eudialyt back in the box and picked up the unakite she'd found... I looked for the morganite. Now I know I'm slightly disorganised, but I usually know where every crystal is, I have 4 batches of morganite: the tumblestones on the website, small slivers of crystal, rough rock and large top quality crystals - and they ALL disappeared!!
Soon after she left, with unakite added to her collection and lacking any morganite, I received a telephone order and looking under 'M' for moldavite I found... yes you guessed it, the morganite tumblestones exactly where they normally live!!
Later in the afternoon the morganite crystal chips turned up too, and I'm sure I'll find the stunning large morganite crystals as soon as someone comes to the unit asking for one :-)
Back to simplicity of crystals... They just tell you exactly what's needed if you listen to them and will even force the issue one way or another if you don't take notice. Simply trust what you are drawn to, the crystals, photographs of them on the internet or in books or even just the name of a crystal. It really is that simple.

Properties of unakite
Mixture of epidote, feldspar and quartz.
Common source – South Africa
Astrological associations; Scorpio
Chakra; heart
Healing qualities; emotions, connects base and heart chakras allowing you to “move forward from your heart”, yin/yang, grief - especially for the loss of an idea/dream/goal/concept whether or not associated with the loss of a loved one, heart, present moment, past experiences, past lives, blocks you put in your own way, cause of dis-ease, weight gain, fertility, pregnancy, foetus.
Link to unakite tumble polished stones
Link to Unakite crystal bowl

More about: eudialyte, morganite, simplicity of crystals, unakite

Classic view