Customer ratings for Crystal Healing L4 Crystal Healing Master Teacher 23/24 March

Crystal Healing L4 Crystal Healing Master Teacher 23/24 March

Crystal Healing L4 Crystal Healing Master Teacher 23/24 March


Price incl. VAT, local (UK) taxes, excludes delivery

Number of ratings: 1
Average rating: 5


from on 01/01/2014

Having completed Philip's courses... Crystals and Crystal Healing part 1 and 2 , part 3 The Master Teacher Course was the logical next step for me. It was all that it promised to be... and much more... for all of us it is indeed a very personal journey of discovery. Every time you work with crystals, whether types you have met before or ones that are new to you, Philip always helps and guides you onto your own path with a gentle yet subtle force befitting a Master of his standing. Prepare to be dazzled and hungry for more!

This course for me really was a very personal journey. I wanted to marry together my fast growing fascination with crystals and their infinite wisdom, the desire to learn how they can help with healing on all levels, a growing passion to share this knowledge both as a practising crystal healer and teacher, and ultimately to help start others on a similarly incredible journey of their own.

I highly recommend Parts 1, 2, and 3. Be prepared for an incredible journey into the world of crystals and crystal healing. One I'm sure you will enjoy and be as compelled to continue travelling, just a I am.
Classic view

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